Speaking & Workshops

Presentations and workshops for companies, organizations and specialty groups.  

Brad’s group presentations focus on introducing cutting-edge personal protection information to women who want to be better prepared to manage dangerous situations whether on the job, on the road or anytime they’re alone and vulnerable. Each program blends lecture, discussion, and demonstration with light hands-on instruction to ensure a powerful and engaging learning experience. Brad’s most popular topics are described below, but if you need something different, a customized presentation can be arranged. In addition to the offerings listed on this page, specialized programs for teen girls can be found in the Programs for Teen Girls section of this website. Click here to see them.



What to Watch Out For and What to Do If You're Ever Confronted by a Dangerous Person

Regardless of how conscientious you are about your safety, it is impossible to avoid all the dangers that exist.

When you’re on the go, there will be occasions when you’ll have to drive through a rough part of town or walk through a scary parking lot alone.  Travel, for work or pleasure, poses its own safety risks.  And for some, just getting from their parking space to their workplace,  can feel like a perilous journey.

While you won’t be able to avoid all the situations that may put you in harms way, you can be better prepared to deal with them.  StreetWise will arm you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to be ready for whatever comes your way.

Here’s some of what will be covered:

  • How predators make you vulnerable
  • Common ruses, deceptions & ploys
  • How to defuse threatening situations before they escalate to violence
  • Parking area safety strategies
  • How to take control in dangerous confrontations
  • Resistance & self-defense

The ultimate goal is to increase personal power, elevate self-confidence and provide a genuine protective advantage if you ever find yourself in a threatening situation.

"Brad takes serious, potentially life-saving skills and make them exciting and easy to learn. You leave this program feeling more confident and empowered. Every woman needs this training."

—Marty Hoessle

Cell Phone Samurai

How to Transform Your Smart Phone into an Accessible, Reliable, Effective Weapon for Personal Defense

There are new rules for women, weapons and self-defense.

It’s no longer about keys between your fingers or pepper spray buried at the bottom of your purse. Today, it’s all about the one piece of equipment you’re never without— your cell phone. Not only can you use it to talk, text, email, and snap photos… now it can be your best weapon against assault.

Brad Michaels has pioneered a new approach in the field of women’s personal protection training which blends current day technology with ancient fighting arts used by samurai warriors.

In this short, highly focused workshop you will learn all that you’ll need to know to turn your phone into a formidable tool for personal defense.

Here’s what it includes:

  • 3 ways your phone can be used for self-defense
  • A complete step-by-step method for using your cell phone to protect yourself
  • How your phone can amplify your effectiveness in any defensive situation
  • Last resort self-defense techniques, if all else fails

The ultimate goal of the program is to help you level the playing field against larger, more powerful opponents.  This program picks up where basic unarmed self-defense training leaves off.

"An excellent and informative program. You leave the class "armed" with new knowledge and practical skills that could really make a difference"

—Katie Dolan

Plan B

What To Do When Conventional Safety Rules Don't Work!

Knowing how to avoid a bad situation is essential and should be the first layer of protection in your personal safety plan. But if your preventive measures fail and you find yourself face-to-face with a person intent on doing you harm, you’ll want to be armed with the skills necessary to physically defend yourself.

In this presentation, you’ll be introduced to a range of effective options you can use if you’re ever in a situation where you have no choice but to fight for your safety.

Here is some of what we’ll cover:

  • Three things you can do to minimize harm
  • What you can do when you can’t escape a physical attack
  • Best Resistance Devices for Personal Protection
  • Last Resort Strategies

The goal of the program is to give you the knowledge and skills you’ll need if the ability to physically defend yourself ever becomes a necessity.

"You never think that something like this can happen to you, however it can and does every day to women everywhere. I feel that every woman should know about these simple but extremely important ideas that Brad presents."

—Debbie Barmeier

For more information, click here to contact Brad Michaels.