A 90-Minute Personal Protection Workshop for
Teenage Girls and Young Women
You’ve been there for her since the day she was born. You’ve taught her and guided her over the years, helping her to become a capable, confident, happy person.
And, maybe most of all, you’ve kept her safe. Safe as you buckled her up in her car seat; safe as you taught her to look both ways before crossing the street; safe as you held her hand whenever she felt afraid.
But the risks she faces as she gets older are different. The dangers are bigger and more ominous, often posed by those who would intentionally seek to cause her harm.
You can’t be there every minute to protect her as you have in the past. But you can prepare her to protect herself and teach her to take responsibility for her own personal safety.
Parents do the best they can
For more than 20 years, I’ve been working with parents to help them keep their children out of harm’s way.
One of the things I’ve learned during that time, beyond question, is that teenage girls and young women are fully capable of managing their own safety. But only if they have a clear understanding of what they’re up against and are armed with the information and skills necessary to fend for themselves.
I know that parents do the best they can, sharing with their daughter’s the standard, basic safety advice: be careful when you are alone; be wary of people you don’t know; pay attention to your surroundings.
And though this kind of advice is certainly helpful (and necessary), it’s not enough. For your daughter to be truly safe — and for you to feel more at ease — she must not only have an understanding of the basic awareness and prevention strategies, she must also know what to do if her prevention measures fail.
Your daughter needs clear, concrete, tested strategies
Personal safety — whether on the street, on a date, or at a frat party — demands a cohesive set of effective strategies. It requires that your daughter knows specifically what to do and how to behave in potentially dangerous situations.
For her to be fully prepared — prepared in a way that will have a significant impact on her ability to protect herself — she must have a solid foundation of up-to-date, accurate information and skills. One without gaps, myths, or misinformation.
Introducing… My “Safety Savvy 101” Workshop
The Safety Savvy 101 Program is a compact, 90-minute workshop (one-on-one or semi-private) that blends lecture, discussion, demonstrations and physical, hands-on instruction.
Specifically, here’s what we will cover:
- The ABC’s of awareness and prevention
- Common mistakes teenage girls and young women make when it comes to their personal safety
- How her communication style can get her into trouble…or out of it
- Why privacy is the enemy of safety
- How to defuse a volatile situation before it escalates to violence
- Common ploys and deceptions predators use to make her vulnerable
- Whether or not she should carry a personal safety device
- When to resist… and when resistance is a bad idea
- A 3-step plan to deal with aggression
- How to fight back and escape when there are no other options
- And much more.
In short, my Safety Savvy 101 Program will give your daughter a solid base of practical, tested, real-world knowledge. The kind she’ll need — and you’ll want her to have — to stay safe in our increasingly uncertain world.
Special Limited-Time Offer
The fee for this program is regularly $795 per person. However, if you enroll by 5/25/17, you’ll benefit in two ways:
First, you’ll save $100.00 off the regular fee.
Second, if your daughter would like to have a friend or two join her for the workshop, during this limited-time offer, up to 2 of her friends may participate with her at no additional charge.
Scheduling is Easy and Extremely Flexible
Though you must register by May 25th to take advantage of the savings, there is no urgency in scheduling the workshop right now. You’ll have till the end of July to get it booked. Once you’ve registered, I’ll will work with you to find the perfect time.
How to Get Started
Since it’s likely that you’ll have some questions, please contact me directly, either by phone (314-369-4700) or email (brad@BradMichaelsTraining.com). I’ll answer all your questions and explain the simple procedure for setting up your workshop.
Please remember, this offer will be only available till 6pm Thursday, May 25, 2017. So, if it sounds like something you’re interested in, please call soon.
Brad Michaels
Safe Living LLC
A Boutique Coaching and Consulting Practice
Specializing in Personal Protection and Self-Defense
© Copyright 2017 Brad Michaels