A 90-Minute Personal Protection Workshop for Teenage Girls Who Are Preparing to Go Away to College for the First Time
As you contemplate the soon-to-be reality of your daughter heading off to college and living on her own for the first time, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to avoid the uncomfortable thoughts of the risks she may face while she’s away.
For parents of teen girls, serious crimes that occur on campus, especially those concerning sexual assault, are particularly troubling and can result in sleepless nights.
These concerns, unfortunately, are well-founded. Studies show that 1 in 5 girls will face some form of sexual assault while at college and more than half of these assaults will occur during freshmen year.
Arm your daughter with what she’ll need to protect herself.
Whether on the street, on a date, or at a frat party, for her to be fully prepared—prepared in a way that will significantly impact her ability to protect herself—she’ll need a solid foundation of up-to-date and accurate information—one without gaps, myths, or weaknesses.
The problem is that most parents are not well enough informed about these topics to provide their daughters with the foundation they’ll need.
If you’re like most, the best you can do is offer the standard admonitions and safety advice: Don’t walk alone at night; pay attention to your surroundings; be wary of strangers; be careful at parties and don’t drink too much.
Though this advice is certainly helpful (and necessary), it’s not enough. For your daughter to be safe—truly safe—and for you to feel somewhat more at ease, she must not only understand the basic awareness and prevention measures, she must also know what to do to manage her safety if her prevention efforts fail.
For most parents, providing a complete repertoire of the necessary safety strategies is daunting and often unrealistic. So, rather than attempting all this on your own, why not get some help from an expert?
For more than 20 years, I’ve been working with parents to help them keep their daughters out of harm’s way.
One of the things I’ve learned is that teenage girls are fully capable of managing their own safety. But only if they have a clear understanding of what they’re up against and are armed with the information and skills necessary to fend for themselves.
My “Safety Savvy 101” Workshop will provide everything she needs.
Safety Savvy 101 is a compact, 90-minute workshop (private or semi-private) that blends lecture, discussion, demonstrations, and physical, hands-on instruction.
Here’s what your daughter will learn:
- The ABC’s of awareness and prevention
- Common ploys and deceptions campus predators use to make her vulnerable
- How her communication style can get her into trouble…or out of it
- Why privacy is sometimes the enemy of safety
- How she can defuse a volatile situation before it escalates to violence
- Common mistakes teenage girls make when it comes to their personal safety
- Whether or not she should carry a personal safety device
- When to resist… and when resistance is a bad idea
- A 3-step plan to deal with aggression
- How to fight back and escape when there are no other options
- And much more.
In short, my Safety Savvy 101 Program will give your daughter a solid base of practical, tested, real-world knowledge—the kind she’ll need —and you’ll want her to have—to stay safe throughout her college years and for the rest of her life.
Special Limited-Time Offer
The fee for this program is regularly $1,195. However, if you enroll by Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, you’ll benefit in three ways:
1. You’ll Save $200. Enroll by August 7th, and the fee goes down to only $995.
2. Four May Join For The Same Price. If your daughter would like to have some friends join her for the workshop, during this limited-time offer, up to 3 of her friends may participate at no additional charge.
3. I’ll include my “Safety Savvy 101 Habit-Building Program.” This is a complete 4-week follow-up review course delivered via email. It includes a series of short training modules designed to reinforce the principles presented in the workshop. The goal is to help your daughter remember and build the key habits that will keep her alert, safe, and self-assured through her college years and beyond.
Scheduling is Easy
Though you must register by August 7th to take advantage of this special offer, there is no urgency in scheduling the workshop. You’ll have until the end of the summer to get it booked. Once you’ve registered, I’ll work with you to find the perfect time.
Here’s How to Get Started
Since it’s likely that you’ll have some questions, please contact me directly, by phone at 314-369-4700 or email me at bmichaels@sbcglobal.net. I’ll answer all your questions and explain the simple procedure for setting up your workshop.
Please keep in mind that this offer will only be available until Wednesday, August 7, 2024. If it sounds like something you’re interested in, please contact me right away.
Brad Michaels
Safe Living LLC
A Boutique Coaching and Consulting Practice
Specializing in Personal Protection and Self-Defense
© Copyright 2024 Brad Michaels